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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Are authorized pickups and emergency contacts the same thing?

    No, in Eleyo an emergency contact is someone that can be contacted on behalf of your child. 

    An authorized pickup is someone that is authorized to pick up your child. 

  • How do I add an authorized pickup for my child?

    Adding an Authorized Pickup

    In Eleyo, any user account listed as a parent of the child will automatically be listed as an Authorized Pickup. To add additional family members/relationships as an authorized pickup for your child in Eleyo, use these steps:

    1. Navigate to your program's Eleyo site and click Sign In.
      The Sign In page is displayed.
    2. Sign into your account.
      Your Dashboard is displayed.
    3. Under "Your Accounts" select the desired Child Care Account.
    4. Under "Account Management" click Manage Authorized Pickups. Note: Some groups/programs may have disabled this feature. Please contact your district for more information and to make any changes.
    5. Click Add Authorized Pickup.

    If you have already created the family member/relationship in Eleyo, click the "Person" drop-down and select them from the list that is presented. Enter or update the person's phone number, then click Save Authorized Pickups.

    If you have not created the family member/relationship, click the "Person" drop-down and select Other. Enter the person's name, phone number, and optionally add a note to describe the person (such as uncle, grandparent, or friend), then click Save Authorized Pickups.


    NOTE: Authorized pickups must be added for each child separately.

    You can remove an authorized person at any time by clicking the red Remove icon and clicking Save Authorized Pickups.

  • How do I add an Emergency Contact?

    Adding an Emergency Contact

    Emergency Contacts for a child may be added or updated during the Child Care registration process for a new Season (School Year or Summer). If you need to update Emergency Contacts for a child before or after completing a registration, use these steps:

    1. Navigate to your program's Eleyo site and clickSign In.
      The Sign In page is displayed.
    2. Sign into your account.
      Your Dashboard is displayed.
    3. Under "Manage Family Members" find your child and clickEdit Emergency Contacts.
    4. Click Add Emergency Contactor Create New Emergency Contact.

    If you have already created the family member/relationship in Eleyo, click Add Emergency Contact and select them from the list that is presented or click Choose.

    If you have not created the family member/relationship, click Create New Emergency Contact. Complete all required fields and click Create Emergency Contact.

    NOTE: Emergency Contacts must be added for each child separately.

    You can use the Edit pencil icon to update an existing contact person or use the red Remove icon to delete that person.

  • How do I request a schedule change?

    With Eleyo, it is easy to request a change to the schedule of your child care.

    1. Navigate to your program's Eleyo site and click Sign In.
    The Sign In page is displayed.
    2. Sign into your account.
    Your Dashboard is displayed.
    3. Under "Your Accounts" select the desired Child Care Account.


    The child care contract page is displayed.
    4. Click Change Schedule.


    5. Select the beginning and ending date for the change in schedule.
    6. Make changes to the selected days as required.
    7. Click Submit Contract Schedule Changes.
    The child care contract screen is displayed showing the request for changes to the contract.


    Your request to change the child care schedule is noted on the contract page and is pending approval from the district. Once the district has approved the change, you will receive an email confirmation and the schedule change will be reflected on the child care contract page.

  • How do I request to withdraw my contract?

    If you have registered for child care with your district or organization, you can request to withdraw your child from that care from your dashboard. You can choose to withdraw from any date within the contracts schedule.

    1. Navigate to your program's Eleyo site and click Sign In.
    The Sign In page is displayed.
    2. Sign into your account.
    Your Dashboard is displayed.
    3. Under "Your Accounts" select the desired Child Care Account.


    The child care account page is displayed.
    4. Under "Current and Upcoming Contracts", select the contract you would like to withdraw from.
    The child care contract page is displayed.
    5. Under "Contract Management", click Withdraw Contract.

    Note: In some instances, the Withdraw Contract button may not be enabled by your district or organization for this program.

    The Withdraw Contract menu is displayed.


    6. Select the last day of attendance and click Request Withdraw.

    Your request to withdraw from child care is noted on the contract page and is pending approval from the district. Once the district has approved the withdrawal, you will receive an email confirmation and the schedule change will be reflected on the child care contract page.


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Feel free to contact us with what's on your mind.